Home-Based Palliative Care in an MSSP ACO: 3 Takeaways

  1. Hospitalizations: 51% reduction in the HBPC (home-based palliative care) group compared to others
  2. Used hospice: 70% of HBPC group vs. 43% of others
  3. Total cost of care: $27
  4. 203 for the HBPC group vs. $36
  5. 089 for others
Notes: A study of 3,418 Medicare Shared Saving Program ACO beneficiaries approaching the end of life, comparing decedents who received home-based palliative care (HBPC) versus those who did not.

Source: Population Health Management, "Cost Reduction and Utilization Patterns in a Medicare Accountable Care Organization Using Home-Based Palliative Care Services," November 27, 2023. - https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/abs/10.1089/pop.2023.0224